Free Plans: from Rockler Woodworking
Each of these small projects are guaranteed to put a big smile on that special someone's face, especially when it is handcrafted by you! EZ Plans are ready to download immediately. See step-by-step instructions and a suggested materials lists.

Downdraft Table
Building the box is fairly simple. It uses mostly butt joints fastened with glue and either screws or nails.

Coffee Mill Plans
Rockler's decorative cast iron coffee mill grinding mechanism fit this easy-to-build coffee mill plan.

Dominos Box Plans
Using these domino templates you can build this fun project. The EZ Plan shows step-by-step instructions and a suggested materials list.

Poker Chip Box Plans
With this Poker Chip Storage Box, you will mortise back for hinges and cut dados for holding partitions in the front, sides and long dividers.

Checkerboard Plans
EZ Plan with step-by-step instructions and a suggested materials list. Complement your checkers table with these beautiful hardwood checkers!

Mail Truck Bank Plans
Build this nostalgic Mail Truck Bank and capture the imagination of a child! Includes this solid brass mailbox door with keys.

Music Box Plans
Although this music box plan looks complicated to make, it was designed so that even a novice woodworker can construct it.
⦿ CD/DVD Tower Plans
⦿ XL Cribbage Board Plans
⦿ Bentwood Carryall Plans
⦿ Fancy Keepsake Box Plans
⦿ Wine Presentation Box Plans
⦿ Jigsaw Puzzle Tray Plans
⦿ Mitered Jewelry Box Plans
⦿ Hour Glass Plans
⦿ Jewelry Cabinet Plans
⦿ Picture Frame Plans
⦿ Bottle Caddy Plans
⦿ Hardwood Luminary Plans
⦿ Dust Separator Cabinet Plans